Although a vast array of methods for heating your home exist, many of them are less efficient and more expensive than they should be. At Zimmerman Mulch, we are committed to helping you heat your home efficiently with a low emission rate. Here are a number of reasons that our pellets are some of the best. It takes quality control and experience to make Premium Wood Pellets. Lignetics was one of the leading pioneers in the premium wood pellet market. Their wood pellets are made from all-natural, recycled sawmill waste. Because they are all-natural and manufactured using the highest level of quality-controls, these pellets are rated as premium wood pellets. Lignetics wood pellets have a high BTU output that burns consistently and produces less than 1% ash. This both creates a hotter, more efficient flame and uses fewer pellets. When using Lignetics Premium Wood Pellets, the emission rate is far below the EPA standard of 7.5 grams/hour. Lignetics wood pellets have an emission rate of 1.2 grams/hour making them one of the most efficient ways to heat your home.
It takes premium raw material to create premium wood pellets People create wood pellets from a wide variety of wood species resulting in a wide spread of quality. We start our wood pellet process with high quality raw material. In the west we use only the finest conifer sawdust to make wood pellets. In the East we our wood pellets are made only from high quality hardwood sawdust.